Tuesday 17 June 2014

Eco wedding favours on a budget.

Wedding budget blow out?? Or just wanting to have a hands on approach to your big day?
Making your own favours can be a nice way to get involved.
Heres some ideas we love!

  • Gift a tree! - hit up your local nursery for small seedlings (we love giving natives) and either decorate the pots in your colour theme, or use recycled containers ( we tried tins with holes in the bottom and funky ribbons- it looked great!) This living gift can be great momento for the start of your new life!

  • Give the gift of a ready to grow garden. Seeded confetti shapes can be a great wedding favour, coloured to suit your decor and grows into awesome wildflowers, or customised packet seeds with your details on. We love these!

  • Make your own handmade soap and flower favours- these can look so pretty and be a fun activity to get your friends doing together - We found this website with ten soap recipes, so getting trying today!
We have great array of pre-made favours at Eco Party so have a look if making your own isn't your thing! (we also sell the seed confetti )


    Monday 16 June 2014

    Kids winter entertainment.

    The first blog post, where to begin? As I sit here in the winter sun I think of things to interest my two girls during these blustery days, summer brings the ease of rock pools, picnics and friends outside- but winter can easily put a dampener on the fun of nature!
    So heres so of the things we dreamed up- heard of - or read about!

    • Make a bird feeder - During the winter months its fun to feed the birds in your back yard, you can use a range of recycled materials but our favourite for a easy make is this bottle and spoon contraption!
    • Polystyrene monsters - use all those horrible left over pieces to create a masterpiece!

    • Recycled sculptures - These can be a fun way of interacting with the kids during the recycling process - get them to put aside parts of the recycling that they want to 'save' for their masterpiece. Add nature to the mix and gather dried leaves, feathers, seaweed or twigs!